Pot Vienna Domani Jardinchic

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  • Pots Vienna Terre Cuite Domani Jardinchic
  • Pots Vienna Terre Cuite Domani Jardinchic
  • Pots Vienna Terre Cuite Domani Jardinchic
  • Pot Vienna Domani Jardinchic
  • Nuancier Pot Vienna Domani Jardinchic
  • Dessin Technique et Nuancier Pot Vienna Domani Jardinchic
  • Pot Vienna Domani Jardinchic
  • Pot Vienna Domani Jardinchic
  • Pot Vienna Domani Jardinchic

Pot Vienna

Brand : Domani

Starting at:

513.6 €

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Pot Vienna to home Domani

Pot designed for outdoor use

Realized in terracotta

Integrated water drainage system

Resistant to bad weather and extreme temperatures

Color: natural black

Available in 4 sizes:

-O50cm x H35cm - weight: 31KG

-O60cm x H47cm - weight: 54KG

-O80cm x H62cm - weight: 80KG

-O110cm x H78cm - weight: 190KG

The Pot Vienna at Domani is an absolutely beautiful pot terracotta design , handcrafted by the Belgian brand. This pot out of the common rennd tribute to the beautiful city of Vienna. With its Baroque streets, its imperial palaces, alleys, streets, Vienna is a city steeped in history. A historic town also on the edge of the design, architecture and contemporary art. The Pot Vienna did in this image, a sweet mixture of old and modern. With his black natural colors, this pot declined in 4 dimensions adapts to all types of spaces, both public and private, restricted than broad. The Vienna pots are equipped with drain hole of water for outdoor use.

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Possible variations Price Qty
Pot Vienna Ø50 x H35cm Natural Black

Availability: environ 12 semaines

Price: 513,6 €
- +

Pot Vienna Ø60 X H47cm Natural Black

Availability: environ 12 semaines

Price: 880,8 €
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Pot Vienna Ø80 X H62cm Natural Black

Availability: environ 12 semaines

Price: 1833,6 €
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Pot Vienna Ø110 X H78cm Natural Black

Availability: environ 12 semaines

Price: 4087,2 €
- +