Mangeoire à Plateau Eva Solo Jardinchic

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  • Mangeoire à Plateau Eva Solo Jardinchic

Tray Feeder

Brand : Eva Solo


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Tray feeder at Eva Solo

Tray for bird feeder

Tank blown glass - plate rubber - feet stainless steel polished

Frost resistance

Dimensions: Total height 112cm - tank: Ø21, 5cm x H 13,8 cm (capacity + / 2 Lt)-weight: 5 Kg

The tank going to the dishwasher

Colours: transparent blown glass - black rubber - polished stainless steel

The feeder tray from Eva Solo is a ultra feeder design and functional. This feeder to be planted directly in the ground, is equipped with a tank in blown glass with a capacity of 2 litres. The feeder tray to accommodate all the birds in your life so that they will restore. Its tray black rubber prevents the seeds from falling off the tank. His tank going to the dishwasher for very easy maintenance. Blown glass of the tank is resistant to the gel for use outdoors all year round. In addition to being convenient, this feeder is very design. With its transparency and its stainless steel foot, she seems to float in the air and fits perfectly to the ambient environment. The feeder tray turns out to be a full-fledged deco object for your garden.

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