Chiaramonte And Marin
Alfredo Chiaramonte graduated from the Faculty of Venice and Marco Marin graduated from the Academy of fine arts have United around a common passion: the objects considered as an industrial product. Rewarded for their creations on multiple occasions, these two great names in design have worked for many brands such as Renault Italia, Andromeda International, and Bonaldo.
Discover their collections combining modernity and design our brand Emu.
Rectangular Magnetic Cushion - Emu
Starting at: €32.00
Magnetic Cushion Square - Emu
Starting at: €36.00
Magnetic Cushion Round - Emu
Starting at: €36.00
Ottoman / Footrest Snooze - Emu
Starting at: €99.00
Small Cone Lamp - Emu
Starting at: €125.00
Chair Director Snooze - Emu
Starting at: €221.00
Chaiselongue Snooze - Emu
Starting at: €248.00
Large Cone Lamp - Emu
Starting at: €428.00
Cone Floor Lamp On Battery - Emu
Starting at: €598.00
Sunbathing Snooze - Emu
Starting at: €625.00
Suspension Cone - Emu
Starting at: €1,726.00
Cone Floor Lamp - Emu
Starting at: €3,915.00